Friday, September 6, 2013

(10) To Kid on the Eve of his Wedding

Tomorrow you get married, Kid
I can't believe the day is here
I remember you with baby fat & big blue eyes
little remains in the man 
you've become,
but the big blue eyes

Remember our reckless adventures?
Our bike ramp & tree climbing days?
Wrestling around for the football
laughing over secret crushes with Eric on the trampoline

Lifetimes ago

Now we live in 
different states
We live our
separate lives
But your still my little brother

The woman you've chosen...
We watched her grow up
She's beautiful & kind
artistic & brilliant
Better than any girl
I could've chosen

I'm grateful God gave her to you
Because I know you'll 
make each other happy
& pull each other through

Kid, I wish you all the luck, 
every ounce of joy
Take care of her
& fight for her heart every day
May a day never come
that finds you less in love 
than the day before

I love you so much, Kid
A most happy eve of your wedding

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