Friday, May 22, 2009
There's a song that we use to sing all the time at church, of course it's name escapes me at the moment, but it went something like this, "Start a fire in me/Let the flames run free/Burn away the dross/Holy fire of God." This song went on for an eternity, but it did capture my imagination. Sometimes we are truly given a trial by fire. You experience a major tear in a relationship, you heart is broken, you or someone you love becomes seriously ill or injured, someone you love dies, people decide to turn there lives completely out of moral reality...
Sometimes life pushes us to our very edge. It's in these times of loneliness, brokenness, solitude, that we realize who and what we really are. When we're stripped bare of all our extras, of all the things we thought we needed, all of what we believe we were, only to realize that what's left behind after tragedy is new growth...
We a stronger. We, the broken, are the courageous ones if only we are willing to stand back up.
A friend of mine has been alone for years. He's a great, loving, God-fearing guy with a ridiculous sense of humor, but he's been alone. Earlier this year, he told me that he'd come to terms with the fact that he'd probably be alone for the rest of his life. He'd decided that even if he never found the girl of his dreams, that was okay, because he finally knew who he was. And that's when I started to see knew growth. He'd been stripped of his dreams, and it wasn't that he'd lost hope, he'd gained perspective and wisdom that I still can't comprehend. His patience and joy in the midst of frustrating times are truly inspiring. Even though he'd been alone for so long...there is a happy ending, because, he's recently fallen in love. He's found himself a wonderful girl, and I genuinely hope that this is the one.
Life has a funny was of coming back around. I guess the best plan is to keep living each moment for the best, and in the works out.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
- Rockstar Roasted Coffee & Energy: light vanilla
- "Second Hand Lions" on DVD
- Sunshine & perfect temperatures
- Black tank tops
- Dark, glossy, vampirical nail polish...ha.
- Happy cats enjoying the sunshine and weather right along with me
- Being 23
- Giraffe's
- Michael Caine's questionable southern accent (it's alright, but it wavers)
Yesterday was my 23 birthday. I have a policy with birthdays. It's a self-preservation policy. I don't make a big deal about my birthday. In fact I try to have virtually no expectations for it. As sad as it may sound, I firmly believe that they less I expect, the better the day will be. I don't like being the center of attention, but it's painful to be forgotten.
It was a beautiful day. I was incredibly lazy. I went and picked up breakfast and went to visit Mom. I made the crust for my birthday pie (I like being a little unconventional), used the peanut butter cookie dough Mom & I picked up to make some cookies, and made wonderful sun tea. Mmm...
Kayla stopped by yesterday and brought me some completely beautiful flowers. They smell wonderful. Few things in life are sweeter than the simple pleasure of being given flowers. I don't know why this is...but it makes you feel good.
Dan came by to talk and brought me a Rockstar. It's quite tasty. I'm enjoying it right now. Mmm...
I even came home to eat Zucchini pie (is there anything better?) and then for dessert a delicious piece of peanut butter pie (Nik, I'm putting that recipe in your notebook shortly).
The only damper on the day? David wasn't home at all yesterday night. At least not after I came home from work. Apparently he'd forgotten it was my birthday until Mom mentioned it at supper and he felt bad. I don't care if he got me a gift, that's not an issue, but I did miss having him around to have pie with. Is it silly that this made me so sad? Having Mom, Dad, Dave, and the boys around is really the only part of my birthday I ever count on. Simple as it is, having them all around to have dessert with is really my favorite part.
*sigh* Whatever, I guess.
Then again, talking to Nikky last night really made up for it in spades. Getting to talk to your best friend is truly a wonderful thing. Of course, it really didn't hurt that she had the fantastic Sham-Wow story for me. Did you know the Sham-Wow guy was recently put in prison for assault? He was repeatedly punching a prostitute because she wouldn't let go of his tongue...come on...seriously? Wow. But honestly, I adore Nikky, and talking to her made the day end perfectly.
Honestly, my birthday was lovely. Nothing fancy and overblown, but the people I love love me. For this I am grateful.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ecstatic albiet Strange
Runaway Bride" on VHS (I need to get a DVD copy, this VHS is old and it's starting to show)
So tonight you'll find me sitting in front of my computer with a glass of milk watching (depending on the moment) either "Runaway Bride" or watching a YouTube video of the Rocky Theme that K-boo sent me several months back that I just forgot about and just realized was still in my inbox this evening while being insanely excited about my final grades.
I passed! Not only did I get the A I expected from my HSV 270 class, but I also managed to pass with a C in my math class! Do you know what this means? That I don't have to take any more math. That should have covered my requirement for math for college! This is the best news I've had in the LONGEST time! No more math! Ah ha! YES! I ran and scared my parents as they're trying to get ready for bed by being overly excited about having passed, but they understood. This was something I've been worried about all semester, and this is the only time I've passed a math class since entering college (pathetic but true). It's just an incredibly exhilirating feeling knowing that I'm done! My mom's reaction: "Congradulations! Happy birthday!" haha...yes. It will be! :)
The only thing that could make this better: Nikky being here. I know this isn't exactly a possible thing right now (we need a teleportation device, I really need to convince Ben that this should be his engineering/genius focus, either that or we need to become billionaire's instantly so that we can own a private jet and shuttle ourselves back and forth constantly...or maybe we should just live together...oh wait...that's what we'll do this coming year...haha), but it would be awesome. This is when cellphones, the internet, and other modern convienences come in handy. :)
Life is good tonight.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
Alright. That's really all I wanted to say.
Oh, that and I have cousins that live in Ann Arbor and my Aunt Maxine taught at a college there...that couldn't hurt.
Just a ponderable thought.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Moments in my Day
- Sunshine and just the right amount of wind that moves and brushes over everything making you feel warm, but never hot
- Knowing that Rockstar is $0.99 at Super-Valu
- Planning to go have lunch with Kimmieboo, Jessie, and Dan
- Knowing that Dustin has been warned that I'll hang him upside down and throw rocks at him if I have to, so he has no excuses
- Getting to talk to old friends
- iTunes
- "The Italian Job" on DVD (the original with Michael Caine)
- Virtually anything Dave Barry says...he just makes me smile
- "Paid to Get Excited" by Butch Walker
Today is one of those days were you should spend all of it outside in the sunshine so that your skin gets a shade darker, your hair gets a bit golder, and you feel like you've gotten enough vitamin D to last you through the next patch of clouds and rain, but instead you find yourself inside blasting Taylor Swift off your home computer while you check your email, facebook, and write in your blog. Strange...
What does it mean, exactly, when you find yourself wanting to write poems to someone's hands? Not because you're particularly fond of this person's hands...well maybe you are, but more because they seem to dislike them so much.
Oh who knows.
I'm doing a horrible job, by the way, of sticking to any promise I make. The only promise I seem to be able to keep is avoiding sex, which isn't hard considering there's no one interested in me and there's no one I'm interested, so there's not as much challenge in that as most other things. Is that a horrible thing to say? Ugh.
All I'm saying is that although today is perfect, I'm still not able to look at myself and go, alright, we're doing this.
I need to find something to truly work towards. Something that will actually make me WANT this. Beyond worry that I'll never get to have my own kids.
Ugh, seriously, I have a million good reasons, why does this seem so hard? Probably because it's actually a real challenge, and I'm a bit of a weenie. Go figure.
Well, in the words I've found myself uttering a million times to so many different people and situations, man up.
Let's do this. :)