Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I turned 34 today. As always, my birthday feels like a surreal experience. Still does. I'll spend the whole year struggling to remember how old I am, and I'll finally get it to stick about the time I turn 35. Ha. Every year.

I think I figured out what my main hopes/goals/dreams are for this year.

First, I'm going to schedule ankle surgery. I'm not excited in the least because it will really screw up my finances, but hopefully I'll come out the other side with an ankle that isn't in a constant state of swollen pain. I just want to be able to crouch and kneel so I can talk to the little ones and play with my niece and nephew easily. Plus it'll make working and cleaning much easier. I want to be able to happily go on walks again. I miss that.

Second, I want to find a new job. I am incredibly fond of my coworkers, and my job isn't terrible, but I need something that doesn't rely exclusively on this body of mine. I was subtly reminded by my bosses today that my restrictions are incredibly inconvenient, and that it is unfair to my coworkers that I can't help with all the aspects of this job. It was just the most cheerful way possible way to start this birthday. 

Lastly, I am hoping that sometime this year that Tyler and I find out we're going to have a baby.  We really would love to have little ones of our own. 

And now I guess I pray and hope and do what I can to make this happen.


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